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viernes, enero 30, 2009

Sky watch friday (9) 30 January!

I love walking through the rice fields. I am overwhelmed by the different green tones and the smell. The photos were taken in Lombok, I hope you like them…

Then the weather changed fast:

Well, today is my birthday and I want to post a poem along with my photos…maybe because I feel like being extra sensitive today…I think I will look for puppies to huge all the day long! ha ha ha:

Heavenly Grass

My feet took a walk in heavenly grass.
All day while the sky shone clear as glass.
My feet took a walk in heavenly grass,
All night while the lonesome stars rolled past.
Then my feet come down to walk on earth,
And my mother cried when she give me birth.
Now my feet walk far and my feet walk fast,
But they still got an itch for heavenly grass.
But they still got an itch for heavenly grass.

- Tennessee Williams -

Visit more Skywatch photos from all over the world at:

36 comentarios:

nachocarreras dijo...


Espero que nos muestrs más campos de arroz.


Hada Saltarina dijo...

First of all: Congratulations!!! Happy birthday!!!

Second; Wow, your photos! La primera de los campos de arroz, sencillamente me fascinó.... Guaaaauuuuu!!!!

El poema, pensé si sería de Walt Whitman, pero gracias por desvelarlo tú al final.

Te mando un montón de besos, sabes que te quiero mucho

aapayés dijo...

Hermoso, me ha gustado el contenido con las imágenes impecable tu post...

saludos fraternos con mucho cariño

Camaleona dijo...

FELICIDADES!!!!! PReciosas fotos.

Unknown dijo...

That's one type of place I've never stepped foot, but sounds interesting ... and poem is a nice touch at end. I should read more TW.

Pok Dell dijo...

Happy birthday to you!

That paddy field scenery is so wonderful

Louise dijo...

The greens are wonderful as you say. Happy Birthday!

Walker dijo...

First, happy birthday! The pictures are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

Mojo dijo...

Happy birthday! You're the third person I've come across today with a birthday today. Love the cool, lush green in these against that cool blue sky. What a view!

Luiz Santilli Jr dijo...

Alo Patricia

Lindo os céus que você postou!
Quero agradecer sua gentil visita!


redzlan dijo...

Great paddy field landscape.
This remind me of my 'kampung' in the 60ies, where I used to work and planted paddy the traditional way.
Happy birthday!

Teri dijo...

This is a wonderful landscape with beautiful greens and wonderful blues. Even the changed sky is beautiful.

Teri dijo...

This is a wonderful landscape with beautiful greens and wonderful blues. Even the changed sky is beautiful.

Jim dijo...

Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!
Happy Birthday Patricia!

That's all the better I can sing. I hope your birthday was nice, Happy Birthday Patricia!

Yes, your sky surely did change a lot. A spell of bad weather was coming.

I peeked earlier, I could have sworn that you had talked about snow on Mt. Mauna Kea. I know there was snow there last January 30th also.
Did I tell you that when we were staying at Mauna Kea State Park I ran for two or three miles each day along the highway along the foothills. We were having a youth camp for the Baptist children on the Big Island.

Happy SkyWatching too! I am finally up over at the 'Little Photo and Poem Place.' Come and see my beach scene.

Anónimo dijo...

Your pictures are amazing,
with te clouds!

Reader Wil dijo...

Happy birthday Patricia! You are the second blogger who is having her birthday. Middle Ditch is the other blogger. I wish you a very happy "New Year"of your life! And many happy years to follow.
The ricefields remind me of those in Java, where I lived as a child. I never walked near the sawahs, though. Beautiful photos.The poem is very beautiful and matches the photos.

Diane AZ dijo...

Patricia, Happy Birthday! Your skywatch pictures are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by :)

Rune Eide dijo...

Happy birthday - and I hope the nice sky came back!

bowledover dijo...

Happy Birthday to you and many more to come.Lovely poem.
The colour of the rice paddy is wonderful so lush.
Your troubled sky which decended so quickly is very atmostpheric, I hope it travelled away as quickly, without any damage.
Thank you for your visit and kind comments.
You have a wonderful country.

Mamapippa ... dijo...

I like them very much !

Gattina dijo...

A very happy birthday to you !
I have never seen real rice fields (not yet, lol )

Esther dijo...

¡Feliz cumple atrasadito!

Me parecen unas fotos preciosas e increíbles, como todas las que pones por aquí. Y el olor a hierba fresca ¡uff! eso es delicioso. A mí me gusta sentir la hierba sobre los pies descalzos, rozar mis pies contra la hierba.

Bonito poema.

P.D: no pasa nada, lo dije, no sé por qué pero ¡¡¡muchas gracias! No sé vasco, sé alguna palabra. Eso es más difícil ¡Je,je!


thoti dijo...

.. felicidades, Patricia, y gracias por regalarnos el iris de ese verde esperanza tan intenso..

.. besos..

Gunilla dijo...

Happy Birthday to you, congratulations.

What fantastic photos. All that green colours, here were I live we have snow.

Thank you ever so much for your visit and comment on my blog. It´s so excting when I have visitor from countrys so far away.

Have a nice day

Gunilla in Sweden

Rafael Humberto Lizarazo Goyeneche dijo...

Hola, Patricia...

Dede de ser fascinante caminar por tan hermosos campos y más aún en una fecha tan especial como lo es tu cumpleaños, el cual has celebrado caminando por la hierba celestial.


Un abrazo.

HelenJ dijo...

Happy birthday! (one day late...). I hope you had a realy nice day.
The poem is very nice, and i enjoy your lovely photos too.
Best wishes

Unknown dijo...

Nice landscape shots.

Happy Birthday!

Anónimo dijo...

Happy Birthday. You have a nice photos and a beautiful poem

Nerina Thomas dijo...

mUCHAS FELICIDADES AMIGA!!comparto una naranja contigo. estoy iniciada en TAO, en ZEN Y LARGA VIDA y practico todo ello.
Haz lo que yo misma, refiriéndote a ti y pasa la tarea a tres nloggeros que elijas.
te quiero!!!

Sunita Mohan dijo...

What stunningly beautiful skies! I love the rice paddy fields. Coastal India is filled with them and seeing pictures of them always make me very nostalgic. Thank you.
Loved the poem :)
And hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Paul dijo...

HappY birthday!

Thanks for the great photos

andal13 dijo...

Happy birthday!!! (A little bit late, I know...)

Bellísimas fotografías... y el poema rima muy bien con ellas.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy dijo...

Patricia: Wonderful capture of the skies over the rice paddies, they are so green.

Gizela dijo...

Y aun cuando llegue tarde, dejame dejarte mis mejores deseos de FELIZ CUMPLE.
Espero que este nuevo año de vida,traiga cumplimiento de todos los sueños que tienes por ahí, pendientes jajaja
Muchos besos

Anónimo dijo...

Congratulations! I wish you a Happy birthday Patricia!
Wonderful green on your picture, I would like to go for a walk in the landscape of the first foto. I am looking forward until it is green again where I am living.
Have a nice and sunny weekend!

Azpeitia poeta y escritor dijo...

Si fuera en francés te hubiera seguido perfectamente, en inglés he seguido la traducción e instintivamente el sentido poético...siempre las imágenes preciosas....azpeitia