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jueves, octubre 09, 2008

Sky watch friday (2)

I took this photo at a countryside in Bandung. The clouds at the end of the road display a clear blue sky, resembling a big wave of foam flooding into the city....funny how many illusions our brain can create....

Visit SKYWATCH ...join and enjoy :)

22 comentarios:

2sweetnsaxy dijo...

Nice photo. The clouds do look like a pile of foam at the end of the road. :-)

redzlan dijo...

Nice landscape pic and blue sky. The road lead to the cloud.
Happy SW Friday!

Jim dijo...

This is very impressive. I would almost run for cover to avoid that mass of foam coming towards me. Excellent!
Happy SkyWatching, thank you for peeking at my 'horse apples.'

Carletta dijo...

I see a little cherub face with a fist too!
It does look like it will come rolling in.
Nice capture.

Anónimo dijo...

Great imagination. Sometimes I imagine seeing faces in the clouds.

Ivar Østtun dijo...

excellent. I love the depth in it. Thank you for joining SWF this week :-)

Hada Saltarina dijo...

Jejeje... yo hablándote de las lindas flores del mercado y tú recordando las tiendas de jamón... ja ja ja! Qué divertido?

Have you seen animals in clouds? I see even angels... You, too, I'm sure.

Have a nice week-end, my friend!!!

FO - 2 dijo...

Lovely. :)

Webradio dijo...

Bonjour Patricia !
Il est magnifique Ton ciel !
je vais revenir visiter ce blog, qui me paraît reposant...
A bientôt !

Anónimo dijo...

something is bubbling up at the end of that road...

Stevenson Q dijo...

Nicely Shot! Those clouds really resemble a big wave of something! Just like a swarm of little clouds running after your fantastic lenses! Love it!

Hope everything's going great there in Indonesia, It's very rainy here in the Philippines!



Beautiful!...and for you...

"love is the one who masters all things."

Mawlãna Rumi


Mojo dijo...

Spectacular... The clouds really look like mountains or something on the horizon... and the road is a straight line right to them. Nice composition!

Unknown dijo...

Great shot and nice perspective!

mick dijo...

Great photo of a very interesting sky.

D Herrod dijo...

The clouds at the end of the road look as if you could drive into them. Awesome capture.

Tootie dijo...

Very pretty. It looks like an explosion at the end of the road.

Anónimo dijo...

Great shot! I love the bright blue sky and the mass of clouds. Looks almost edible!

Arija dijo...

Your clouds are like whipped egg-whites sitting in a bowl.

duopastorale dijo...

What a fascinating photo! About to disappear into a huge cloud!
My Skywatch

Tina dijo...

i love how the clouds seem like they are gonna rise even higher when you get to the end of the road lol

great shot. thanks for stopping by my sw :)

Tawaki dijo...

They could be a range of snowed mountains as well, but I prefer your interpretation.